For full-time ABC students, classes take up 15-20 hours/week. Then there is homework, and of course meals and
sleep (blessed sleep!). But what happens the rest of the time?
The student experience includes activities besides
classroom instruction, with the intent of nurturing the whole person to maturity and usefulness to the Lord. Take
senior Missions major David Hock. Extra-curricular involvement in various opportunities has been preparing him for
the joys and demands of ministry.
Can you match each activity with the lesson he has learned?
“I’m learning that communication is key. Being able to organize and
prioritize my commitment—that is another big thing I’m working on.
Also, when I’m not sure of something: ask. Recently I didn’t know
how to go about a certain task, so I kept putting it off when I should
have gone to Mr. Peterson, the faculty advisor. So even though
I’m the Committee Chair, I need to always be seeking counsel and
looking to others.”
“Recently in a meeting Dean Childs asked, ‘What are some
questions that you guys have?’ And so the last few weeks we have
talked about how to confront people biblically, how to speak in
love even when you need to put your foot down, how to discern a
person’s spiritual maturity or even if they are saved based on their
walk. It’s super profitable learning how to approach these situations
when—not ‘if’—you get involved in them.”
“When I’m running that mile during practice and trying to do my
fastest time, I think, ‘Why am I even doing this?’ It’s because it
keeps my body under subjection, and that’s what Paul is saying in
1 Corinthians 9. It has also given me practice in keeping a cool
head, being calm and patient. Don’t say something that you’ll regret
later. It’s a way to relieve my mind, get all the pressure off, and it
has made me a better person for future ministry.”
“My Homiletics class has been great. Dean Gullion has taught me
how to preach. I knew how to give devotionals but I had never really
been able to preach. I knew what preaching was, but this definitely
taught me how to do it. The credit goes to God for my preaching, but
it also goes to Dean Gullion.”
“I help with the youth at my church—whether it’s games or music or
giving a devotional—and on Wednesdays I lead music before prayer
meeting. My church has just started an evangelism team and I’m
hoping to do that next semester. Knowing that Christ’s return is
imminent and that people are going to hell every day—it strikes me
as something super important.”
. Warrior Soccer
. Missions Conference Steering
. Practical Christian Service
. Student R.A. (Resident
. Expository Preaching Week
David Hock grew up as a missionary kid in Montevideo, Uruguay.
As a Bible/Theology and Missions double-major, he is serving an
internship in South Africa this summer. He plans to graduate next
year and pursue global missions.
Answers: 1-C, 2-A, 3-E, 4-B, 5-D