Graduate Costs & Aid
Tuition Costs
$530 per hour (Most courses are 3 credit hours each.)
$86 per hour to audit
$95 graduation fee
Discounts apply only to courses taken for credit and may not be combined, but students will receive the largest discount for which they qualify.
First Class Discount
Receive a 50% discount on your first class taken in the program.
Undergraduate Student Discount
Receive a 50% discount on all courses during your junior and senior years as a full-time undergraduate student at ABC.
Alumni Discount
All alumni who have received a B.A. (or previous 3-year Diploma) from ABC will receive a 25% discount for all courses.
Ministry Discount
Receive a 25% discount on all courses if you are in full-time vocational ministry such as church leadership, missions, Christian education, or Christian camp.
Financial Aid
As an accredited Bible college, Appalachian Bible College is able to offer Federal Student Aid. At the graduate level this only includes access to PLUS Loans.
For more information, contact the Financial Aid Office.